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Weekly Envelopes:
Once you are registered with the parish, you will receive envelopes that you can use to make any weekly contributions. You will receive a statement at the end of the year indicating the contributions you made with your envelopes.
Many give regularly with envelopes/ACH. Sometimes members ask: "Where does my donation go? How is it spent?"
Sacrificial Giving:
Sacrificial Giving is also known as 'tithing'. Contributions to this Collection are used to offset the costs associated with day-to-day operations of the parish and its programs. An example of these costs include, payroll, maintenance, utilities, and supplies. Additionally, your contribution will benefit our liturgical and Religious Education programs. Thank you for your continued support of our parish. We need your help to serve others as Jesus encouraged us to do.
Capital Improvement Fund:
Any contributions that are given towards the capital improvement fund help the church pay for continual improvements as we grow.
Our Own Needs:
Contributions to this Collection are used to defer the costs that the church is short, from the Sacrificial Giving, on a weekly basis.
Automatic Fund Transfers (ACH):
Just as people use Automatic Fund Transfers to pay various bills online, St. Thomas also offers this option to make contributions at church. All you need to do to begin this program is to fill out this simple, one page form, below, and return it to the parish office.
This form is also available at the Parish Office. If you have any questions or need help filling out the form, we would be glad to offer any assistance that is needed.
Online Giving:
Click the link below to be re-directed to our online giving option, where you can use your credit card for easy giving.
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