Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
Do you remember as a child, being told that God can see all and that everything has consequences? I do. This forced us to be attentive to...

Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells the story of the dishonest steward who seeks to use all the resources within his reach to secure his...

Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
We all have probably heard the quote from Pope Francis when asked by a reporter about what he thought of actions of the gay/ lesbian...

Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
As children, most of us were taught the difference between good and bad, what could and could not be done; and some of us have remained...