Gretings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
We are several weeks now into the uncertainty of the pandemic of the coronavirus. Sincerely, I hope that each of you are remaining...

Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
Have you ever heard that “Our God is a God of surprises”? The readings this week help us see that truth in a variety of ways. It is very...

Greetings From Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
The story of the woman at Jacob’s well and her encounter with Jesus is a very poignant one. It is really a drama in its action, since...

Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
The Lenten season invites us to reconsider how we are living our Christian life. One of the themes of today’s readings is TRUST. We hear...