Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
When is the last !me you prepared for an important event in your family? Maybe it was a graduation, or a wedding, or the birth of a...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
A new Church year begins today. No par!es, no hats/ whistles, no fanfare. Advent marks the start of Liturgical Year B, and throughout the...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Today we hear the story of the Last Judgment, and Jesus is presented as a judge. It is just one image we have as Jesus, Christ the King....

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
You may have heard before that we will be organizing for Masses for our Christmas celebrations a little differently this year because of...