Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Alleluia, Alleluia, Jesus has risen from the tomb, Alleluia! Today we are celebrating the day that was and ever will be the most...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Every Holy Week is unique, but this year’s is especially, with the caution and COVID still being real. We will have our services in...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Where is the ALLELUIA? Have you ever hear someone ask that question fter we have celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass? There is an answer. And...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
One of the things that is part of the Lenten invitation is FASTING. Someone said that “fasting is prayer with our bodies.” It is true...