Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
The right to vote is a right that some take seriously, and others unfortunately, do not. That right is coming up once again this week on...
Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
I was fortunate to have been formed in the Catholic faith by my parents and teachers to see God as a loving and caring Being, not a...
Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
"My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with [God’s] glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever...
Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
PAX ET BONUM, PEACE AND ALL GOOD…These were the words that St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) used as a greeting to those he met, and also...