Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Happy Feast of Pentecost! We are now 50 days after Easter, and this feast celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles,...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
As we celebrate the feast of the Ascension today, we might not know details about the where and when Jesus actually returned to his...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Saludos de Sister Marlita
Happy Mother’s Day to each of our mothers, grandmothers, God mothers, step-mothers, and to all others who offer motherly support. There...

Greetings from Sister Marlita / Saludos de Sister Marlita
Today is First Communion Sunday for the majority of our second graders. And for a few, it will be the following Sunday. Congratulations...